[config.ini] IDS_NOT_SINGLE_INSTANCE=Another version of setup is already running. Only one version of this application can run at a single time. IDS_DIALOG_CAPTION=%s Setup IDS_SINGLE_INSTANCE_FAIL=CreateMutex failed to allocate handle for single instance check. IDS_SETUP_FAILURE=%s Setup has failed. If the problem persists, please contact Product Support. IDS_DEFAULT_PRODUCTNAME=Application IDS_SETTINGS_INIT_FAILURE=An error occurred while parsing installer settings file '%s' or the file could not be located. IDS_CREATE_PROCESS_FAILURE=CreateProcess failed for the following command-line: %s IDS_INSUFFICIENT_PRIVILEGES=Local system administrator's privileges are required to run %s Setup. Setup will now exit. IDS_DIALOG_TEXT=To start %1 Setup, click OK. To quit without installing, click Cancel. IDS_ERROR_CAPTION=%s Setup Error IDS_VERSION_DETECT_FAILED=Version detection failed for %1. Insure that the installer exists at the specified location.%n%nMessage returned: %2 IDS_MSI_NOT_FOUND=Product installer '%s' could not be located. Setup will now exit. IDS_REBOOT_QUERY=Setup has completed. Would you like to reboot now? IDS_SETUP_SUCCEEDED=Setup succeeded. IDS_INVALID_LANGID_CAPTION=Invalid Language Pack code IDS_FX_NOT_FOUND=.NET framework exe '%s' could not be located. Setup will now exit. IDS_INVALID_LANGID_MESSAGE=Language Pack Code %s is not valid. Skipping... IDS_LANGPACK_NOT_FOUND=Language Pack %s could not be located. Setup will now exit. IDS_MDAC_NOT_FOUND=MDAC exe '%s' could not be located. Setup will now exit. IDS_FILE_NOT_FOUND='%1' could not be located. Setup will now exit.