******************************************************************************************** Release Notes for MiniVigor 128 Dirver Version : v2.2 released by Draytek, 11/19/2002 ******************************************************************************************** [New Functions]: 1. supprt fax function using Page Sender v2.2 and CoMa X v6.1.6 . PS. In Page Sender, you need to update efax Updater 2.2.1 for Page Sender, please ask the updater from Page Sender(Smile Software), and do the following settings: 1. Launch Page Sender Fax Center 2. Select Preferences from the Page Sender Fax Center menu 3. Press the Modem button in the Preferences toolbar. 4. Change the Modem Type to : USB TA Port 5. Change the Modem Initialization to (add a space, dash, lowercase oh, one to the end): -iZ -i&FE&D2S7=120 -i&C0 -o1 6. Change the Flow Control to : Virtual 7. Press the Receive button in the Preferences toolbar. 8. Change the Receive faxed after ? ring(s) checked. 9. Press the Fax button in the Preferences toolbar. 10. Change the Fax service to : Fax Modem(Unix efax)