New Features: 1. Support live monitoring for D7521 2. Support live monitoring for nDH060 3. For mobile devices with file saving ability => support directory name as not in alphanumeric (ex: named in Chinese). 4. Support MPEG4 IP camera video from Hybrid DVR Bug Fixed: 1. Fixed interlancing problems while playing MPEG4 D1 Video 2. Fixed menu config setup failed while user login as AdminN or adminN (N from 1 to 3) account 3. Fixed error while playing event playback, index = 0 (the latest event of the list, usually is the newest event if fewer than 1000 counts) 4. Introduced new DDNS querying algorithm, for more widely support 5. provide address checking (URL or IP) => prevent login error while there is ˇ§empty spaceˇ¨ in address => or redundant text "http://" in front of address => or any other wrong URL/IP address. Limitation: 1. The "Menu Config" function doesn't support the "Motion Detection Area Setup" option. 2. Some mobile devices doesn't support file saving, on which devices the snapshot could only be viewed by "Snapshot Viewer". 3. Some mobile devices don't support DDNS connection. 4. For "Dome Control" functions, it may take 3~30 seconds to see the updated video. DVRs with MJPEG mode or low resolution will get lower lag. 5. some mobile devices don't support file saving and also file saving ability detecting, in which devices, user should install Version 2.1.26. 6. Some mobile devices don't support DDNS connection.