############################################################################ Guide to Set IP Accept & Reject List to VP-300&VP-500 ############################################################################ Since FW3.051 for VP-300 and FW5.048 for VP-500, a new function called "IP Accept/Reject" is supported. This feature enable VPON accept requests only from a list of IP address or reject requests from a list of IP address. Rule: Rule 1. If accept list exists, VPON will accept HTTP request from these IP only. Reject list is ignored. Rule 2. If reject list exists, VPON will accept HTTP request from IP not listed in the reject list. Rule 3. If both list are absent, all IP are accepted. Rule 4. Only HTTP request is filted. =============================== A. Build Accept IP List =============================== 1. Build ACC_IP.INI file with a text editor using the following format: IPn=XX.XX.XX.XX where n=0~15, and XX.XX.XX.XX is IP address, '*' denotes a wildcard For example: IP0=192.168.*.* IP1=10.11.1.* IP2= IP3=168.*.*.* 2. Each line must be terminated by a new-line. 3. Upload to \ADMIN and restart VPON to make the change happen. =============================== B. Build Reject IP List =============================== 1. Build EXC_IP.INI file with a text editor using the following format: IPn=XX.XX.XX.XX where n=0~15, and XX.XX.XX.XX is IP address, '*' denotes a wildcard For example: IP0=192.168.*.* IP1=10.11.1.* IP2= IP3=168.*.*.* 2. Each line must be terminated by a new-line. 3. Upload to \ADMIN and restart VPON to make the change happen.