FW5.50x use Linux as the Operating System which is different to the one used in FW5.0x, so DO NOT apply FW5.5x to machine running FW5.0x. And also DO NOT apply FW5.0x to FW5.5x. Mismatch FW will cause system fail to boot. Every version of firmware release may use different Linux kernel and system files, so it's not recommeded to use rframe .htm to just revise FW only, unless you are very sure they have the same version of kernel and all the system files. Use instruction A or B to upgrade. A. Upgrade from FW5.501 ===================================================================== 1. Download SYSTEM.BIN.EN.5502 or SYSTEM.BIN.TC.5502 from our ftp site. 2. Revise system file by "revise.htm" 3. After VP-500 restart and ready, done. 4. All the components required has already been upgraded, including kernel, system libraries, utilities, webpages, resources, and firmware. Original settings will be lost, and it is recommended to restore the default settings before start to use the new firmware. B. Use GHOST to overwrite the CF card ===================================================================== 1. Download en5502.gho ot tc5502.gho from our ftp site. 2. Use GHOST to write the image to the CF card. 3. Use the CF card to boot the system.