Loader for VP200 V1.9 (Flash Memory) Release Note 2001/01/15 1. What's New This version runs on ETS 10.0 monitor, as a result, it can be used with newer firmware like FW2.16 or later. If you want to update VPON from previous firmware (like 2.15, 2.14, ...etc) to FW2.16, you should update loader and firmware at the same time. Otherwise, it would cause VPON failed to boot. 2. Notice When you use WCOMW to connect VPON, you have to press ESC in two seconds after "Starting Loader..." is shown on the window. 3. Firmware Information a. For VP200 File Name: etsmon.bin.19 File Size: 165964 bytes CRC Code: CF F1 b. For iLiveView File Name: etsmon.bin.19i File Size: 166188 bytes CRC Code: B9 0D