How to use WCOMW ==================================================================== 1. Use a RS-232 cable shipped with VPON to connect your PC and VPON. 2. Launch wcomw.exe from PC. This program can be found in the SETUP DISK, named Unzip to your 3. Turn on the power of VPON. 4. When you see "Starting Loader..." in WCOMW, press ESC key in two seconds and a menu will be displayed on WCOMW as follows: [1] Set IP/DMS/GW [2] Update firmware [3] Set Master Code ... [4] Query firmware version [X] Exit Choose ? If you don't see "Starting Loader..." in WCOMW and the menu is displayed directly, you can use WCOMW without entering any key, now. If the menu have only two options like the follows, enter VPON to display other options. [1] Set IP/DMS/GW [X] Exit Choose ? ---------------------------------------------------------------------- How to revise firmware ? A. Press 2 and full path of the firmware file, and then WCOW will start uploading the firmware. After the firmware is revised, some information about the firmware are shown in WCOMW, including file name, file size, version, and CRC code. Enter X to start loading new firmware. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- How to revise loader ? A. From the menu, enter WEBMONITOR to display hidden options as follows: ... [5] Revise ETS LOADER [6] Reboot Choose ? or [5] Dump flash memory [6] Revise BOOT ROM [7] Revise ETS LOADER [8] Reboot Choose ? The hidden options vary from different loaders. Choose the item labeled with "Revise ETS LOADER". In this case, enter 5 or 7 and file name of the loader to update loader. When the revising process is finished, the menu will be displayed again. Choose Reboot to restart VPON. If the "Revise ETS LOADER" option does not exist, it means that the loader can not be revised via WCOMW. ************************************************* * IMPORTANT NOTICE * ************************************************* IT IS VERY DANGEROUS TO REVISE LOADER. IF THE PROCESS IS FAILED OR THE REVISED LOADER IS INCORRECT, VPON MAY NOT WORK ANY MORE.